I love discovering my submissive’s kinks, fantasies and fetishes. My true passion is creating a safe space for both my submissive and I to have a judgment free atmosphere to be our true selves. While in a scene I love to have fun, laugh, punish; if necessary and sometimes for fun. I require you to let go of your vanilla world and only focus on me, my voice and my instructions. I consider myself somewhat of a Mommy Domme as I always care, nurture, discipline, protect and help my submissive grow into a better person. I always want what is best for their journey as well as mine. I also have a sadistic side that likes to come to play, so if you can not follow my rules and instructions you will meet that side first hand.
I have the knowledge, equipment and talent to make you submit and the ability to make fantasy become reality. I am very professional and discreet when it comes to my business and my clients. I expect you to do the same. I came into this journey because I was looking for a missing piece to the puzzle in my life, I found what was missing along with this spark that lit up my life in a whole new way. While I am in session I am able to focus on only the scene and my submissive that is in front of me. The everyday stresses, tasks and just life in general are left at the door. My mind is finally able to rest and I want the same for you. Through my journey of becoming a Dominatrix I have learned to be more disciplined, confident, proud of my kinks and not afraid to be my true self. Everyone has the capabilities to become a better person not only for yourself but in your everyday life. I will help you be more disciplined, build up your confidence, not be ashamed to be yourself and learn to love yourself in the process.
I am a Certified Professional Dominatrix. I was mentored by the extraordinary Mistress Damiana Chi, Ph.D., the founder and instructor of The Evolutionary Dominatrix™ Academy. It is a one-of-a-kind, psychologically-based, comprehensive, high-level mentorship and certification program in the art of Conscious Female Domination that features training in The Dominatrix Archetype™ holistic FemDom model, Mistress Damiana Chi’s proprietary 4-Archetype psychologically-based methodology and framework. It imparts a comprehensive understanding and command of the use of power exchange dynamics behind BDSM, as well as necessary physical skills and techniques.” Mistress Damiana Chi, Ph.D.